Friday, April 20, 2007

Eco Friendly Wedding

Well, our wedding plans are coming along and we are working on the eco-friendly aspect.
Some is good, some is more difficult to incorporate but we'll do what we can.
We have our wedding clothes and every member of the wedding party, including the bride has clothes that can actually be worn again , in a variety of circumstances !
The centerpieces are going to be potted plants, from a local nursery, and will be given away. ( The average cut flower sold is sprayed dozens of times with chemical fungicides, chemical pesticides, growth hormones, growth regulators and chemical fertilizers. ) so we will only use cut flowers for the bouquets ) As the wedding is at our home we will plant flowers around the yard as well.
To save paper we've asked that people RSVP by phone or e mail ( which some of you haven't done yet....) rather than RSVP cards, because the average North American uses almost 700 pounds of paper every year. Much of that paper has been processed with chlorine bleach, making it non-recyclable and, even worse, totally toxic for the environment.
The worst offenders at our wedding will be the plastic table clothes etc but we will gather as much of the waste to be recycled as possible.
I'd love to hear your ideas too. Toodles !